You can pay online, or even by phone.

I generally invoice clients at the end of the project. Clients pay within 30 days or less.

(When I get busy, which is most of the time, I tend to be a bit slow in getting invoices out, just fyi.)

For larger projects, I ask for a deposit, or invoice in monthly increments. Most clients pay by check, by mail.


If you wish to pay online by credit card or bank direct transfer,  click the green button below. This transaction is securely handled by PayPal.

You can use any credit card; you don't need to use a Paypal account. If you have not done this before, after you click my button below, look at the bottom left of the paypal pay window. Click the "Don't have a PayPal account? Use your credit card or bank account..." link.

You will be able to enter my invoice final total.

All of my invoices have different totals. The only way for clients to enter a unique dollar amount is for Paypal to call this a donation. That is only semantics.. you are making a neutral credit card payment.

Or, I can swipe your card in person, or I can take your CC information over the phone, if you prefer. (513.559.9987)

Click to Pay

Let me know if you have any questions!  E-mail